Parents Reviews



The Curiosity Approach helps the child expand their play and their imagination. The Curiosity Approach uses everyday objects that you have at home to help the children imitate what they see you do. This could be using china crockery sets instead of plastic; this encourages the children to mimic and replicate the actions they see using real things rather than pretend. It also helps the children respect the resources as there is a consequence if they decide to throw a china plate, it will smash! There will also be lots of natural objects for the children to play with as these can be anything they want them to be.

Not only will the environment be changing but the staff’s delivery will be too! They will be helping the children to investigate these new changes to the environment by role modelling ways of playing. The staff will encourage the children to think more about what they are doing by asking questions and giving them ideas of how to extend their play. I wonder…


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